Sunday, June 9, 2024

Hydraulic Principles

Hydraulic Principles.

Hydraulic systems are found all around us is many shapes and forms. From Hydraulic Brakes in the car, to Earthmoving equipment, the vehicle lift at the tire replacement store. All these systems are based on an important law defined by the French Scientist Blaise Pascal, and is referred to as Pascal's Law.

Pascal's law states that a change in applied pressure to a fluid is transferred equally without any loss to the fluid and exerted against the walls of the container. 

A handy way to practically indicate this principle, is achieved with the help of syringes of various sizes.

If you are interested in seeing and feeling the effect of Pascal's Principle, head over to our online store and purchase on of our "Strongman" kits.

Jireh Electronics

081 353 2283